Prepare Your School’s Top Administrators for Their New Assignments in China
Schools that had leaders recently complete training with Henry:
In addition to being an accomplished editor on interpersonal relationships, Henry Wong is one of the few administrators that have served in both academic and non-academic roles in a school. He has more than sixteen years of work experience in international schools based in Singapore, China, and the US. His administrative positions have included Senior Admissions and Marketing Manager, Business Administration Director, and Co-head.
You have hired a new top administrator for the school. You look forward to the fresh insights and different ideas this principal executive will bring to the table. You are excited about the positive changes he or she will make for the school and community.
How will you prepare this individual to assimilate into the country and school's culture? How will you use the preparation to springboard them into their new role to ensure a successful first 90-days?
The success or failure of onboarding new administrators in China centers on how well you integrate and include them within the host country's culture and school.
What people are saying…
An assignment in China will impact the assignee's life in many areas, even if they have years of experience in other countries. As part of the orientation process, the assignee and their family must undergo an educational briefing about the host country and what to expect as an international educator in China.
Why do I need this coaching session?
For an assignee to be successful in their host location, they will need to understand the host culture and how it influences subtle cultural dynamics within the school culture. Cultural Induction Coaching can help the assignee and their family understand the standard practices in their new home location and help support them during the settling process and prepare the family for a cultural shock.
Cultural Induction Coaching is a critical part of the assignment process, and often the spouse is included in the meetings as well.
The sessions help manage the assignee's expectations and lay the foundation for a successful assignment. Topics included are:
Working with local teachers and staff.
Building relationships and trust with local owners.
Cultural differences.
Professional expectations in China.
Navigating around – Personal Errands.
Business protocols.
First 90 Days.
Assuming a new leadership role is challenging even in the best circumstances, relationships are undefined, routines are unfamiliar, and expectations are often unclear.
A top leadership/management assignment can either be rewarding or distressing. Suppose they have no or little China experience. In that case, emerging leaders can fall into common traps that severely stress their family bonds, negatively affect their performance at school, damage the school’s reputation, and even derail their careers.
Robust onboarding programs are also retention strategies. Nearly 70% of employees are more likely to remain with an employer for three years or more after an excellent onboarding experience.
Cultural Induction Coaching Fee